Tourism and Hospitality Support Network (THSN) will apply a process of continuous improvement to effectively market your hotel. The key elements of this process are Review, Plan, Act, Measure and Report.
It is always tempting to just “get out there and sell”. But, a more effective approach is to start by taking a deep breath. Then, develop a really good understanding of the product, the location, the market, existing distribution channels, previous/ongoing marketing initiatives, and how such activities are being measured. From there a planned schedule of marketing activities can be prepared that will assist the hotel to achieve its measurable objectives.
Following this approach will mean that marketing is less chaotic and reactionary, and more targeted, organised and professional. Most importantly, it offers the greatest likelihood of success for the hotel owners.
what can we do for your hotel?
Improving your hotel business
We apply modern tools on a proven framework for continuous improvements. We Review, Plan, Act, Measure and Report on your hotel performance and marketing.

Far from being a navel gazing exercise where nothing actually happens, the Review stage in the process is arguably the most important as it identifies what has worked and the opportunities for improvement. Reviews set the direction and targets to be achieved. Reviews do not happen once every year at a country retreat but rather on a regular weekly, monthly and yearly basis and are supported by reports that focus on the key measures of success.
• Calendar of sales activities across the year that take into consideration high/low seasons, events, trade and consumer shows;
• Process for handling leads, data capture, follow up and bookings;
• Marketing material production including brochures, flyers, proposal letters;
• Website;
• Distribution Channels;
• Preparation of contracts for existing and future deals;
• Relationships with State and local tourism bodies;
• Relationships with current clients to secure and grow business.
Act, Measure & Report
Ongoing reviews on a weekly and monthly basis will focus on what has been achieved in comparison to targets and what changes need to be made to capture all opportunities.
All of these items cannot be achieved overnight but by recognising the priority for each area and working in an organised and scheduled manner, the hotel will surely benefit from the implementation of the sales plan.
Measuring performance is a means of identifying successful achievements that are worthy of acknowledgement, reward and celebration.
Want to know more?
Contact THSN
Transform your hotel business and further your success today.